What level of losses can Russia sustain? Although not on WW2 levels, if it has lost about 20,000 so far, could it continue the war against Ukraine & take up to 500,000 maximum? When does it reach the line of starting to run out of troops & equipment?

Alexander Finnegan
2 min readMay 7, 2022

It won’t come to that. The new general has the nickname “The Butcher of Syria.” Isn’t that precious! He is known to be one brutal motherfucker. Good. He likes to use airstrikes to soften up forces before he goes in for the kill. This guy is one psychopathic son of a bitch. Just who the Russians need.

The Austrian minister met with Putin today, and people said he was “visibly shaken” by the conversation, which he described as “very hard.” He said that a “massive” force will be used in Donbass. Get that? The kid gloves are off. The real Putin has entered the building.

Retired Adm. James Stavridis told NBC News on Sunday that Dvornikov’s promotion to commander of the Russian forces spells bad news for those hoping to see the conflict reach a quick and peaceful end. “He is the goon called in by Vladimir Putin to flatten cities like Aleppo in Syria,” the retired admiral continued.

Syrians who saw Russia commit ‘the most egregious atrocities’ warn that Ukraine ‘is a repeat of what happened to us,’ expert says[1] Atrocities monstrosities.

He has played this game before. He tried Mr. Nice Guy in Chechnya and Syria. Both times, failed. Then he had to dust off the big boy weapons. Grozny and Aleppo turned to rubble. You can expect Kiev to make a radical transformation into a modern day Carthage. Maybe they will salt the fields after, too.

And if none of this works, just use tactical nukes. Fuck it. Losing is not an option. That is off the table completely.

We can play nice or play rough. But either way, Ukraine WILL be defeated.

100% chance of that.


